Pet Dentistry

Dog Dental

Pet Dentistry

At Adobe Animal Hospital of Soquel (AAHOS) in Santa Cruz, CA, we recognize that “dog breath” is more than simply an unpleasant stench; it can also suggest underlying dental issues that require attention. Dental issues such as gingivitis, excessive plaque accumulation, and abscessed teeth can all contribute to poor breath and have an influence on your pet’s general health.

Bacteria in the mouth constitute a considerable concern since they can readily travel to other organs, such as the liver, kidneys, or heart, leading to potential health complications. Maintaining adequate oral hygiene for your pet is critical to their general well-being.

Dog Dental

AAHOS places a high value on your pet’s dental health, and our fully equipped facilities enable us to provide complete dental care. We do full dental exams to evaluate your pet’s oral health and identify any abnormalities that may need to be addressed. Regular dental cleanings are an essential component of our services, as they aid in the removal of plaque and tartar buildup, both of which can contribute to dental illness.

We can perform tooth extractions, gingivectomies, and periodontal flaps if necessary to restore your pet’s oral health. Our cutting-edge dental X-rays provide us with a comprehensive image of your pet’s dental health, ensuring that no problems go overlooked.
In circumstances when more specialist dental work is required, we might recommend you to a Veterinary dentist. This ensures that, when necessary, your pet receives the most appropriate and modern dental care.

To enhance professional dental care, we propose “healthymouth,” an enzymatic treatment that may be added to your pet’s water supply. This therapy promotes better oral health between veterinary appointments by reducing tartar and gingivitis. This product is available for purchase at

At Adobe Animal Hospital of Soquel, we are enthusiastic about preserving your pet’s oral health in order to improve their overall quality of life. Our experienced team of professionals is committed to delivering excellent dental treatment, ensuring that your pet has a healthy and happy smile for many years to come.

Before Cleaning – After Cleaning

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